How to loveyourself tips


Be honest with yourself. This is one of the hardest things for many of us to do, but it is a necessary step toward navigating your life[2] . In many of today's societies that focus on the individual, we are encouraged to strive for success, and often we look for praise as the acknowledgment of that success. We take any criticism as a negative thing, so we shy away from seeing anything about ourselves that elicits that reaction.

To try to be honest with yourself, imagine that you are observing yourself through a stranger's eyes. Ask yourself what that person thinks about you, and be as objective as possible based on the facts, rather than what you think about yourself.Courses


How to Accept Yourself, Your Life, and Your Reality

Co-authored by :itskikatrina your writter

It can be hard to accept yourself, your life, and the reality that you live. Maybe you don't like your future prospects or dislike an aspect of your personality, or some days you don't like something about how you look. It is common for people to be critical of themselves, but there are a number of ways to learn to accept yourself and your life.


Part 1 

Part 1 of 2:

Fostering Acceptance

Image titled Accept Yourself, Your Life, and Your Reality Step 1


Acknowledge your strengths. It's so easy to look in the mirror and point out your insecurities. But, instead of counting all the things you wish you could be, try counting all the things that you are. Make a list of your strengths, such as the things you are good at, the values that you hold, and the friends that you have.[1]

If you are having trouble brainstorming what your strengths are, ask a friend or family member what they think are your most positive traits.

Image titled Accept Yourself, Your Life, and Your Reality Step 2


Be honest with yourself. This is one of the hardest things for many of us to do, but it is a necessary step toward navigating your life[2] . In many of today's societies that focus on the individual, we are encouraged to strive for success, and often w


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